Four Days Marches
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The Four Days Marches is the most important marching event in the World. With over one million visitors the Four Days Festivities is also the biggest event in the country. Therefore the Four Days Marches are mentioned in the Canon of Nijmegen.
The Digital House of Nijmegen History and the Regional Archives have a lot of information on the marches. This page contains references to articles, stories, archives and lots of beautiful image material on the Four Days Marches.
History Four Days Marches
To make the history of the Four Days Marches available to everybody, we have added the publication “The World walks” (De wereld wandelt) from 1991 to our Digital House of Nijmegen history. It contains a separate article on every Four Days Marches, containing information on the numbre of participants and on the weather in that particular year. You will for example find out how many people walked the marches in 1949, what routes they took in 1935 and how many of them had to give up in 1987. There is also lots to read on the rise and history of the Festivities surrounding the marches.
On Vierdaagse and Vierdaagsefeesten you will find a summary of all articles.
The upcoming Four Days Marches
Het House of Nijmegen History has no information on the upcoming Four Days Marches and Festivities. You will find this information on:
Foto's and Films
The archives and collections of the Regional Archives Nijmegen contain more than 8.000 photographs and more than a hundred films. Each article on the marches, in the Digital House, shows a film or photograph with a link to several other photographs in that particular year.
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Almost 1.200 photographs of the Four Days Marches from before the year 1941 are also available as Open Data. These photographs illsustrate nicely the Nijmegen Four Days Marches from before the Second World War. View the website Open Cultuurdata for more information. To give you an impression we have placed a random selection of these nice pictures on Flickr (see above).
The Regional Archives Nijmegen are proud to administer the archives of the organisations involved with the Four Days Marches: the Koninklijke Nederlandse Bond voor Lichamelijke Opvoeding (KNBLO) en the Actief Comité Binnenstad Nijmegen (ACBN).
Would you like to know when your mother first walked the marches? Or why a group named “Is it war here?” protested when the marches first reached the little town of Grave? Do you know which artists performed in 1974 during the Summer festivities? You will find all these answers and many more in the studyhall of the Regional Archives Nijmegen. The archives of the KNBLO and ACBN are of great importance for the many people who partake in the marches as well as for inhabitants of Nijmegen and (sports) historians who want delve into the history of the Four Days Marches and its Festivities.